924.SA11/25/2024 23:09:00

  > 923. Давыдов Сергей Александрович
  > https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/15193/ave-xia-rem-y/chapter/1923021/chapter-287-honest-and-breathing *LOL* Культиваторы играют в настолку с культиваторскими штампами...
  “I think women are a problem without a solution,” Xiao Fang says with unusual vehemence. “The world would be a better place if our parts did not fit, and my world would be better without any women at all.”
  “You have a sister,” Liu Jin points out.
  “Xiao Shuang is pure like snow, nothing like that harpy,” Xiao Fang says darkly before glaring at Liu Jin. “How could you betray her? I cannot believe you already have another woman! Is Xiao Shuang not good enough!?”
  “Your father had multiple wives,” Liu Jin points out, not that he ever knew them.
  “I will obviously hold you and my father to different standards!” Xiao Fang snaps back. “That’s just common sense. Now, out with it! What does the Feng girl have that my sister doesn’t!”
  Liu Jin sighs and looks away from Xiao Fang’s glare. “I am not having this conversation with you.”
  “Oh. Good.” To Liu Jin’s surprise, Xiao Fang sighs in relief. “To be honest, I don’t really want to hear about your romantic entanglements, but my duties as a brother compelled me to object to your libidinous ways and call you a scoundrel.”
  Kemono снова работает кстати, Ave Xia Rem Y выложено вплоть до сегодняшней главы

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