793.Othinus01/14/2021 08:00:00

  Несколько трешовый, но иногда довольно занятный фанфик
  Наруто считает себя Кьюби, так как все считалиего в детстве демоном, и он принял это, много ли ребенку нужно? а самого Кураму запечатанного в клетке, его запечатанной 4 Хокаге силой, и воспоминаниями. Сам же Курама задолбался излечивать Наруто, который решил искупить грехи своей прошлой жизни, и решил помогать людям.
  Итачи попутал, и теперь Саске хочет принести в жертву Джашину своего брата, и потихоньку собирает вокруг себя культ Джашинистов.
  У Сакуры жуткая шизофрения, в чем виноват Орочимару, а Анко спустя кучу лет нашла свою дочурку.
  Какаши завидует людям, у которых целые глаза, и не понимает, за что его наказали, когда ему в команду выдали этих сумасшедших идиотов. Мало того, но его ещё и прокляли.
  Есть перегибы, но читать в целом можно. Особенно порадовал момент с Мэри Сью, которая хотела изменить Акацуки, но была принесена в жертву злым Саске, которого все задолбали. А уж разговор Хаку и Иноичи и вообще шикарен
  Yamanaka Compound, Yamanaka Inoichi POV...
  "Okay Haku, repeat what I said back to me, one last time." Yamanaka Inoichi urged the ice-release user.
  "My life has meaning and I should not end it." Haku repeated dutifully in a tone that led Inoichi to believe that they actually meant it. He was tempted to sigh in relief at finally having made a breakthrough but was not quite ready to accept everything had worked out just yet.
  "Very good, so if I were to give you this Kunai..." He prompted handing Haku said kunai. Inoichi felt that he was close enough to the boy/girl (he still hadn't figured that out), that he could stop them if they were to attempt to commit suicide.
  "I would hold the kunai and use it as a weapon in a fight. I will most certainly not use it in any form of attempt to take my own life." Haku agreed holding the kunai with a trained hand but making no motions with it.
  "Good, good." Inoichi sighed and leaned back into his chair, allowing himself to relax slightly.
  "And since I cannot use it to take my own life I must ask you to kill me!" Haku said turning the kunai so that the handle was pointing towards Inoichi.
  "No!" Inoichi shouted sitting forward now feeling quite alert. "I'm not going to kill you!" He said exasperatedly. "Try again."
  "My life has meaning and I should not kill myself." Haku intoned." So you must kill me!"
  "That's not the point I'm trying to make." Inoichi groaned and held his face in his hands. He still had to deal with the other three cases Kakashi wanted him to look into, he could not afford to get held up with this one. At least they weren't trying to kill themself anymore, but now they were trying to get other people to kill them.
  He did not want to let this patient go, only for them to go up to the first person they met and ask them to kill them. That would be a whole entire new mess for him to deal with.
  "Let's try looking at some inkblots." Inoichi suggested pulling out the cards.
  "Okay." Haku said leaning back in their own seat.
  "What does this one look like." He held up the first card.
  "Zabuza-sama." Haku told him.
  "Very good, and this one?" He held up the next card.
  "Zabuza-sama." Haku repeated.
  "Well what about this one?" Inoichi held up a third already knowing the answer.
  "The Mizukage." Haku decided.
  "Really?" Inoichi asked think he had something new to work with.
  "Who is also Zabuza-sama." Haku said almost sheepishly.
  This was going to be a long day...


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