>>720.ilagri >>>719.Misha 101 >>>>718.ilagri >Читала эту чушь. Повторяю, такое пишут неудачники, или те, кто хочет получить девиденты от обсирания одних в угоду другим.
http://www.ehow.com/way_5282902_school-festival-fundraising-ideas.html Dunk Tank and Pie in the Face A dunk tank featuring school teachers and administrators is always popular at a school festival. Children enjoy seeing their teachers getting dunked into the water, and parents may get a chance to dunk a teacher they had many years ago. Another popular festival activity along the lines of a dunk tank is a pie in the face event. This is where teachers and administrators allow people to throw cream pies at them for a fee. It is always a good idea to have the teachers and administrators wear safety goggles during a pie throwing event, and the pies are normally just whipped cream in foil pie pans. Avoid using real metal cooking pie pans as they can injure someone, and do not use real pies as that could get expensive. A dunk tank or pie in the face event done in the middle of a festival could be big money makers and draw a great deal of attention.
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